vendredi 30 juin 2017

Half Marathon London Training Workouts

By Frances Snyder

Those who are yet competing in a half marathon are probably wondering where to start with their training. The best way to assure success over the 13.1-mile distance is to follow a well prepared Half Marathon London training program.

Training Runs: Training runs consist of 30-50 minute runs at a steady pace. They are the heart of any training program and help to build muscle and develop the cardiovascular system. A runner should run at least 3-4 training runs per week.

Long Runs: Once a runner has built a sufficient base of training runs, he or she needs to incorporate at least one long run per week into the training program. Long runs should be done at a steady pace for 1 hour to 1.5 hours. The longer, the better. These workouts are critical for preparing the mind and body to race 13.1 miles.

Fartleks: A fartlek, which is Swedish for "speed play, " is a run of about 30-50 minutes in which the runner mixes sprinting with jogging. A usual fartlek might be 3 minute jog, 1-minute sprint, 3-minute jog, 2-minute sprint, 3-minute jog, 3-minute sprint, etc. This workout does a great job simulating the changing paces of a race. After a month to six weeks of base training, a runner should try to run at least one fartlek every other week.

Hard Day / Easy Day- This is a basic principle of many athletic training programs. A hard training day like a fast workout or a long run should always be followed by a rest day or a short run at an easy pace. This allows your body some time to rejuvenate before the next harder effort. Track Your Progress- This is an essential part of the training - you need to see how you are doing compared to the plan. Track your miles in a running log to see how closely you are following the training program.

Great options that you can go for are nutrition bars such as power bars and Luna bars. You can also go for a bagel with peanut butter or a smoothie made with yogurt and fruit. Since diet is very important when running, you should highly consider seeking the advice of your doctor before you take any food.

Try Eating An Abundance Of Fresh Fruit And Vegetable- When you demand more from your body the way in which regular running will, it is advisable to be sure that you are supplying it plenty of all nutrients, but in particular vitamins and minerals. You can easily do this by making sure that you are eating your minimum of 5 various portions each day.

Personal Experience- I have done a few half marathons, and I know how physically and mentally demanding it can be both during the training stage and during the race itself. I know from painful experience if you don't train properly then you can be in big trouble during the race. This version might not be a full one but don't underestimate it, or you could pay a dear price. If anyone as had any experiences with their training and racing, then please share your comments below as I would love to hear from you.

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