jeudi 8 juin 2017

Essential Tips When Preparing For Half Marathon Races

By David Hughes

Half marathons are events in road running with the distance which is half of the marathon race and is steadily growing popular. The reason is because of the challenging distance but the required training is not as intense as for marathons. They are held together usually with a marathon race using the same route but they either start late or finish early.

Every year, more participants are joining more events being held. Half marathon London is an example of an event that you could participate in when you are near the place. But before participating in them, you shall train yourself to finish the race with injuries being avoided to happen. Here are some essential tips which you can follow.

Build a solid base under the feet by running fifteen miles in total a week and do at least five miles in one of the days as the longest one. This would help in acclimating yourself in your new workout meant for this race and not overwhelming your body. If the base is weak when starting the new training, your body would work twice as hard and may cause injury.

Choose to do a training plan that ranges from eight weeks to sixteen weeks which would depend on its content such as frequency, workout types and weekly. Research carefully regarding these plans in determining which one you would be capable of finishing from the start. Choosing a longer one is better when you are just beginning.

It is better having high quality practice runs rather than quantity because your chances of being injured increase the more frequent you run long miles. There must be ones that helps build endurance and the capability of your body in converting energy from oxygen. Their purpose is not to be the fastest but to be able in finishing the race.

Doing other kinds of training, such as aerobic cross training and light resistance, is also helpful during the days you are not running to optimize your fitness. Cross ones involved swimming, cycling and using row or elliptical machine. Light resistance ones target upper body and core helping you maintain good form and fight fatigue off.

Find a group which you can train with by enrolling with a coach or inviting friends. You would become more responsible when you know there would be others waiting for you at the sessions. They can be your encouragement also.

Research in advance regarding the race which includes the sports drink they would provide so you could use this when practicing. Do not use on the actual race those you did not try before during practice and request your family and friends to stake out on the course when you prefer another drink. Identify the locations of aid stations and also portable potties if ever needed.

Remember to rest your body so it would have time in rebuilding and in repairing your muscles. If you skip this then your body and its recovering ability will be burdened and make you more prone to injuries. Check the rate of your resting heart if it is higher than normal by a bit which means you are lacking in rest.

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