mercredi 6 avril 2016

Information On Getting Into Cheerleading

By Anna Thomas

Just like other types of sports, this is also a sport on its own. Its not a new field as in can be dated from the very early in life. It is considered an American sport but it is spreading at a fast rate to Europe and other parts of the world. It has many benefits and in connection to this, the following is information on cheerleading.

The much exercise and practice associated with cheering sees to it that persons are in a position to burn the unwanted calories in their bodies. Working out on a regular basis translates to healthier living. This is not only in losing of a tremendous amount of weight, but also helping in avoidance of diseases brought about by poor lifestyles such as cardiac arrests, diabetes, just to mention a few.

The various stunts pulled by these dancers do not just come easy. One needs to have a lot of body strength to enable them do these routines without having to strain their muscles. Practice involves the specific exercises which see to it that the muscles of the body are made strong, especially those of the core, lower body and shoulders.

Another advantage of Cheering is that it enables individuals develop a sense of coordination. The various stunts and routines require a lot of synchronism. In order for the cheerleaders to keep in time with each other, they are supposed to do the routine guided by counts, especially in the flying of a flyer in order to avoid injury any member of the team.

It also enhances flexibility as all these routines require one to be extremely flexible so that they can get it right. This is evidences through the high kicks, jumps and splits which they perform. One of the main advantages of having flexible muscles is that it helps in the prevention of muscle strains and injuries associated with jumping and dancing. So as to avoid injuries, its important for the cheerleaders to stretch before and after practice, games and performances.

Another critical factor to note is that this sport enhances posture. Having a good posture is always important, not just for dancing but also for everyday living. Most of these exercises lead to the strengthening of ones lower back which makes the spine stronger. The advantage of this is that it enhances the way in which people stand and walk.

Being part of a cheering team assists one in the development of team building skills. Because this is a team affair, individuals are mould in that they can be able to work as one, driving towards success. This will not only help them win games, but also in future prospects such as in the search of employment, as this also requires team effort.

In summation, the list of the advantages of this exercise are endless. The overall importance is that it is among the main contributing factors of boosting self- esteem. This assists one to believe in their abilities and is reflected in everyday life. To add on to that, having positive team members enables one to have confidence in themselves, which is an important drive in helping persons achieve their goals in life.

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